
Monday, June 13, 2011

When No One is Looking

I'm convinced the best photos are those taken when no one is looking.  That's definitely my favorite to take - from far away or while no one knows that I'm taking them.  (Not in a creepy, stalker kind of way, but in a capture-real-life-moments way.)  :)

This photo was taken about seven years ago - with a point and shoot, I think.  It's one of my absolute favorites because it's my son with my grandpa (his great grandfather) who is no longer with us.

Although the quality isn't that great (it's scanned from the original) I still love it.  It will forever hang on the walls of our home.

A couple weekends ago, I took a few photos of my niece with her great grandmother (Ryan's grandma).   It's one of my new favorites - a sweet, young life held in the arms of a much older generation.


  1. Oh my word, Kam. This is contest-worthy. What a GORGEOUS picture!!! The editing is perfect and the composition lovely. ENTER IT!!
