
Thursday, September 20, 2012

September Update

We are officially 24 on our waitlist!!!  Our family is still open to one or two kids so I go back and forth thinking about what adding one....or two would be like for us!

We had a wonderful end of summer and have now entered into the school year, beginning to homeschool our kids.  It's defintitely been an adjustment from the old way of doing things (them leaving all day and me being home by myself) but overall, it's been wonderful.  

We are working on getting into the groove of it all - balancing our time well with learning and fun.  But already, there's been moments of pure joy that I feel are directly from the Lord.  We are only two weeks in and I know it will be filled with ups and downs, but am excited and grateful to be on this journey!

Here are a couple photos of natural beauty that I witnessed a two nights ago.  God's glory!!!  (These are unedited to show you the extreme color and vibrance of the rainbows.)


  1. Congrats on being wait listed! Sounds like your Fall is off to a great start. Glad you are enjoying Gods many blessings. Praying for your new addition(s), and dig how your kiddos are taking a "hands on" approach with the entire process. How cool will it be years later when everyone looks back at the long-awaited process to gotcha day which I'm sure will be well-documented with terrific pictures?! My heart is filed with anticipation for you and your family. Appreciate the updates.
    Grace & peace,
    Team Raredon

  2. Gorgeous photos!! And of course congrats on the wonderful news. I can't wait to fold your new little miracles into our community.
