
Saturday, August 3, 2013

August Update and First Tri

We are number 5 on our adoption wait list!  We are hoping for some news either this month or in September, but as we've learned, nothing is predictable so we are continuing to wait, wait, and wait some more.

No fancy adoption wait list number display today because I have other fun photos to share: our daughter competing in her first triathlon!!  Her dad has done several and also participated in his age group early this morning.  For her age, it was a 200 meter swim, a 2 mile bike ride and a 1 mile run.  We were so proud of her (and she seemed to have fun doing it)!!!

Getting everything ready in the transition area

Checking out the course

First arms she jumped into

Congrats and hugs from family

A friend who came along to cheer


  1. Awwww....I love the pictures!! So wish we could've been there!! Great job, KJ!

  2. Love this! Don't know why it's taken me so long to find your blog. But glad I did. Happy to be just a few spots behind you on the AAI list. :-). Maybe we will travel together!!
