
Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Wait After the Wait

It's been over a month now since we accepted our referrals of Awune and Mamo.  I wish I could say that much progress has been made to bring them home but unfortunately, that's not the case.

We sent in our packet of information to the USCIS office on the 18th of last month.  Since then, our paperwork has literally been sitting in an 'inbox' pile.  As of Friday, we were assigned an officer to review our case.  We knew this would be a journey of waiting (again) for all the proper paperwork to get processed, so we rejoice in the baby steps that move us forward.

We did have the BEST gift sent to us via a traveling family who recently went to Ethiopia for their first trip.  PHOTOS!!  It was so amazing to see new pictures of our kids and even hear a little bit about their personalities.  He told us that they were both quiet, but Awune was very nurturing to her little brother.   To know that someone was there and playing with the kids and taking pictures was so encouraging to our family!

As for things here at home, we are trying to get the kids' room ready - deciding on paint color for their room, bedding and things like that.  It feels like there are many projects to accomplish but we should have plenty of time to get them all completed.

There are so many ways you can pray, if you'd be willing to join us in prayer!!!

- Pray for all the families in our agency who are stuck in the process.  There are many ahead of us with referrals who have been waiting on all kinds of paperwork and signatures that need to happen in order for them to bring their kids home.

- Pray for Awune and Mamo that they stay healthy, are loved on by the nannies and that God heals their hearts and comforts them.

- Pray for our paperwork - that we don't have any major issues and we move forward within a reasonable time frame.

- Pray for J and KJ that God prepares their hearts for the big change of adding a brother and sister to our family.

- Pray for Ryan and I that we trust The Lord through this process and depend on Him as we ache to bring our kids home.

Thank you!!

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