
Friday, April 22, 2011

The Glory of the Blue Egg - Teaching Kids the Real Meaning of Easter

Last year, at our local Christian bookstore, I saw something advertised called Resurrection Eggs.  Eager to try to come up with a creative way to talk to my kids about the Easter story, I picked them up and have loved them!

The eggs come in a carton, each one a different color.  Almost every egg is filled with something that represents the story of Easter.  Also included is a pamphlet that explains what each item represents along with verses from the Bible.

 For example, the first egg holds a donkey and the pamphlet refers to Matthew 21:1-9 of how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a lowly donkey before his death and resurrection.

The matching of the colored egg with each item is detailed inside the carton.

The spear, linen cloth and the stone at the tomb:

 Our family has quizzed each other on what each item represents as well as challenged ourselves to try to put the eggs in the right order.  It's been a wonderful, tangible way to talk through the death and resurrection of Jesus with our kids!!

Especially when you get to the blue egg. 

The last egg. 

Because it's empty.


  1. Kam, I've had these on my list for years and have never bought them! Maybe this should be the year. Thanks for sharing!

  2. so awesome; i'll HAVE to get some!!
