
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Messy Places

You will thank me at the end of this post.

Blogs today provide a wealth of resources for us moms.  You can read everything you want about anything you want - gardening, photography, parenting, organizing, cooking, baking, running. . . and the list goes on and on.  They are inspirational and give tons of ideas of how to, as Oprah would say, "live your best life".

Although I think these are great, they can by psychologically harmful as well.  When you read blogs, you're usually reading posts of people putting their best foot forward - their glory stories, their parenting triumphs, their perfectly set table for a beautiful dinner party, etc. When reading about others perfection, it can be easy to compare yourself as not as good, not as talented, not as organized, not as creative. . .

I reject that.

I'll admit, I do love seeing pictures of perfect looking, well decorated, happy places of bliss.  

But, that's not my reality.  And I would guess. . . it's not many of yours either.

Instead of showing you the spaces in my house with the perfect photo collage, the most clever jewelry display, the color coded filing system, exceptionally decorated living space - I'm going to show you the spaces in my house that need help.

Serious help.

And as you view the following photos, please bask in the enjoyment of feeling better about yourself and home after seeing the disasters of mine.  :)

(**Disclaimer:  I know there are many out there who can in no way relate to these messy places.  This post is not for you.  Warning: you may even feel dizzy, lightheaded and extremely uncomfortable if you choose to read on.  Please view with your own discretion.)  :)

Desk area

Daughter's room

Front closet
Wow, that's bad.

Shelf in laundry area 
Somebody help me.

Kitchen table 
(not that bad, but still not lookin' too great)

Hall pantry
I'm starting to really feel embarrassed now.

And for the grande finale - drum roll please . . . . 
8 year-old son's closet

You are welcome.


  1. Haha! I'm a new follower... Deb Buckingham's daughter-in-law... friend of your Mom's. LOVE your Mom... she's so fun! You're right... I do want to "thank you"...this did make me feel like I'm NOT alone! You're exactly right that it's too easy to compare yourself to all the other supposed "perfectionism" out there. This post has challenged to me to take more "honest" photographs on my blog... maybe ones that do show toys scattered instead of picked up... because I don't want my kids to one day look back on it and be mislead that everything was "perfect" because it most certainly wasn't! Thanks again for posting these! Made me smile! You're not alone! :) -Amber

  2. That is the best post yet!!! That is refreshing to see not everyone is as organized as they appear! Thanks for sharing that. If it makes YOU feel better, I think my daughter's room is worse than yours!

  3. Love this post! I'm SO with you! :)

  4. I LOVE this post!! I can't believe it---I've never actually seen your house messy---ever! Nice to know I'm not alone in my tornado here! This is a service to women everywhere :)

  5. Jane, that's because I keep them all hidden. :) The last couple days I actually made progress - the front closet, laundry room and .... well, just those two's slow progress, but it's PROGRESS!! :)
