
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Already a Blessing

Last month while in one of our local public schools taking photos, I met a man who had adopted his oldest daughter from China several years ago.   My friend who introduced me to this man, explained that I was in the adoption process.  He asked a few questions and commented, "You will be so blessed....adoption is such a blessing."

What struck me about his comment that even though we haven't brought our children home yet, I already feel like we've been tremendously blessed.  As God called our hearts toward adoption, He has drawn us nearer to Him.  As we questioned and wondered about this major change for our family, God challenged us in ways where we learned to solely rely on Him.  We know He alone is in control of our future and we trust Him as we move forward.  As we wait, we trust in Him that His timing is perfect.

Another blessing has been seeing God work in the hearts of our kids.  I have written previously of what KJ wrote in church two days after we mentioned that we were considering adoption.  Several weeks later, my heart almost burst when I found her attempting to translate English into Amharic of how she could tell her future siblings 'I love you'.  

And as we pray for these future siblings every day and night, our kids' view of the world has expanded.  They've truly come to understand that there are kids around the world who don't have enough food...who don't have a warm home...who don't have parents to love and care for them.  My heart was again full to the brim last night when I tucked J into bed and he prayed with gratitude, "God, thank you for letting me have a mom and a dad..."

Finally, during Christmas break, a friend, who I don't see that often, randomly stopped by our home. Her family was enjoying an evening drive looking at Christmas lights  and were in the neighborhood. She didn't stay long - just dropped off a card and gift bag.

I opened the card to find this on the front:

And this written on the back:

"Ryan and Kamarah,

This summer we started stashing loose change in a jar - we had been studying James and thought it would be good to put action w/our words. . . we were wondering who that orphan or widow would be??  We know every little bit helps and hope you can put what's in this jar to good use!  Praying for you all on your adoption journey!"

I then opened the gift bag and found this:

Not only was I moved by their sacrifice of saving all their spare change for an orphan they didn't know, but I was also humbled that the Lord had them praying for our family since this past summer.

In case you aren't familiar with the verse in James (1:27) she was referring to, here it is:

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Beyond grateful for the Lord's blessings. . .


  1. This is beautiful!! Thanks Kamarah for sharing your journey!!

  2. Kam - thank you for sharing this heartfelt update of your journey! Your Mom & I pray for your expanding family with the knowledge that God's plan & timing is always perfect. So thankful everyday for you and family!

  3. We are all so blessed with our family and looking forward to the two little lives that will bring us even more joy that we already have now with our precious grand children!

  4. There should be a tissue app on this blog! I'm just so honored to walk this journey with you and can't wait to see how the Lord proves himself faithful to complete this good work! Your leap of faith is inspiring.
